Banana Shake

Banana Shakes

No, we didn’t go anywhere. It’s been kind of crazy in the lives of the Ostercamps lately. We went to Florida on vacation. School and work started again. We had family in town. And oh hey, we bought our first house!! All that to say, thanks for sticking with us as our posts have been few and far between over the past month. We are super excited about our first place. Remember those previous posts that made me tear up as I wrote about how much we love our village? We are fortunate enough to have bought a little corner of that village. Right now, it’s a mess over there as my brother-in-law, uncle, and husband are completely renovating the bathroom. I mean, sledgehammering, ripping out dry wall, putting in new flooring and more.

In the mean time, the school year has started and everyone around town is getting back in the swing of things. Each new school year, I find the opportunity to get ultra organized. Not just with file folders and color coded post-it tabs (which are essential), but also at home. It’s a good time to donate summer clothes that weren’t even touched this year, organize bookshelves, recycle old magazines, and buy new school supplies. Or in our case this year, buy a new house! Second to New Year’s, I also find it fitting to make a few resolutions for the school year, such as healthy eating.

While my sister was in town, she introduced me to these delicious banana shakes. Simple ingredients, simple prep, and I kid you not, it tastes like a gosh darn banana milkshake. A lot of bloggers have featured these on their sites, and there are various mix ins, but I like this recipe as foundation for anything fancy you care to add. For the best taste and consistency, make sure your bananas are ripe (no green, lots of brown spots), and frozen overnight.

They’re a healthy snack that your kids will look forward to after school…or, that I’ll look forward to after work. Happy new school year everyone! Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 0 minutes

Banana Shake

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 0 minutes

Makes: One small shake


1 large banana, sliced and frozen

1 large spoonful almond butter

3 tablespoons almond milk (add more for a thinner shake)

Drizzle of honey (optional)


Blend all ingredients together using a blender and serve cold. That’s it. Really! How easy is that?!

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Comments (2)

  • Jan Thompson 11 years ago Reply

    Just tried this recipe and I love it. Thanks

    The Newlywed Chefs 11 years ago Reply

    Jan I’m so glad you liked it! I crave them.

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