RawSpiceBar Review & Giveaway!


One of the things I like most about this blog is the opportunity it provides to meet interesting people doing creative things in the culinary world. The good people over at RawSpiceBar are doing just that. RawSpiceBar is a company that provides quality spices directly to your door. With a subscription, you will receive a monthly spice box, each containing spices, recipes, and occasionally other fun stuff related to that month’s theme. We recently tried out their recipe for Za’atar & Pita Crusted Cauliflower.


Yum! It was so easy to make since all the spices for this dish were portioned perfectly for the recipe. I simply dumped the spice blend in with the other ingredients and continued following the recipe. Who knew cauliflower could be so flavorful?

I’m impressed by this small batch spice company. RawSpiceBar sent us an extra monthly box we’d like to share with one of you.

You can earn up to TEN entries for this giveaway (whoa)! Please leave a separate comment telling us you:

  1. Follow RawSpiceBar on Twitter
  2. Like RawSpiceBar on Facebook
  3. Follow RawSpiceBar on Instagram
  4. Subscribe to the RawSpiceBar e-mail list
  5. Follow RawSpiceBar on Pinterest
  6. Follow The Newlywed Chefs on Twitter
  7. Like The Newlywed Chefs on Facebook
  8. Follow The Newlywed Chefs on Instagram
  9. Subscribe to The Newlywed Chefs e-mail list
  10. Follow The Newlywed Chefs on Pinterest

Lots of chances to win! Even if you don’t enter, be sure to head over to RawSpiceBar and check out this cool company.

Giveaway will end on November 8, 2015 at 4pm CST. One winner will be randomly selected from the comments and notified on this blog and also via e-mail. You will have 48 hours to claim your prize before another winner is selected. Maximum of 10 separate entries per person. 

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Comments (26)

  • EnticingHealthyEating 9 years ago Reply

    I like RawSpiceBar on Facebook

  • EnticingHealthyEating 9 years ago Reply

    I follow RawSpiceBar on Pinterest

  • EnticingHealthyEating 9 years ago Reply

    I follow Newlywed chefs on Pinterest

  • Leslie 9 years ago Reply

    I follow Newlywed chefs via email.

  • Jennifer 9 years ago Reply

    I am on The Newlywed Chefs e-mail list

  • Jennifer 9 years ago Reply

    I follow The Newlywed Chefs on Pinterest

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I follow RawSpiceBar on Twitter as @normawatson.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I like RawSpiceBar on Facebook as Cindy Aiton.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I follow RawSpiceBar on Instagram as @norma_watson.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I subscribe to the RawSpiceBar e-mail list.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I follow RawSpiceBar on Pinterest as Cindy Aiton.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I follow The Newlywed Chefs on Twitter as @normawatson.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I like The Newlywed Chefs on Facebook as Cindy Aiton.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I follow The Newlywed Chefs on Instagram as @norma_watson.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I subscribe to The Newlywed Chefs e-mail list.

  • Cindy A. 9 years ago Reply

    I follow The Newlywed Chefs on Pinterest as Cindy Aiton.

  • Emily Gartland 9 years ago Reply

    I Follow RawSpiceBar on Twitter

    Emily Gartland 9 years ago Reply

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  • Emily Gartland 9 years ago Reply

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  • Emily Gartland 9 years ago Reply

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  • Emily Gartland 9 years ago Reply

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